Welcome to the search interface for maps held by Swiss libraries

This is the virtual map catalogue of Swiss map collections. You can search maps covering the entire world and ranging from late medieval manuscripts to current electronic maps. Maps of all types, scales and topics are available.

Please note that maps held by archives need to be accessed directly via the archive in question.

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How does it work? x

Getting started

Searching is very easy indeed. Search either by entering a place-name in the top-left Search Box (1a) or by zooming and panning the large Search Map (1b). There is also an Exact area tool (1c).
Adjust the Search Map as accurately as possible to both the area and the zoom level required.


Set filters

For a further refinement of your search, three filters are available. The Timeline enables you to restrict your search to a specific publication period. Clicking the Attributes icon opens further filters: Full Text, Author, Publisher, Subject, and Map Scale. With the Library filter you may narrow the search to one of the main map collections.


Review results

Any action will immediately update the Result List on the right. The top entry is always the map that best fits your chosen area and zoom level. For details about particular map, simply click the highlighted part. A bibliographic description and the list of libraries holding that particular map will open.

You can always come back to these instructions by clicking the Help icon.

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Road Map Aerial Image Terrain OSM 3D
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